DEXA Scan: 3 Reasons to Get One

What's a DEXA scan? When people think about their fitness…

Concussion Treatment: 6 Steps to Recovery

6 Steps to Recover from a Concussion Did you or someone you…

Relieving TMJ Pain with 4 Exercises

4 Exercises to Relieve your TMJ Pain    TMJ is an…

What are cognitive distortions and why should I care?

What are cognitive distortions? As humans we are prone to thinking…

Breaking Down Negative Thought Patterns

Breaking Down Negative Thought Patterns   Cognitive…

Women's Health Month Challenge

21 Days to Take Control of Your Health May is Women's Health…

21 Day Challenge to Stress Less

April: Stress Awareness Month Stress plays a big role on our…

Pregnancy Series: Trimester 3

Pregnancy Series: 3rd Trimester You are in the final stretch!…

Pregnancy Series: 2nd Trimester

Pregnancy Series: 2nd Trimester Woohoo! You've made it into…