Summer 2021 Challenge Series
Fitness & wellness challenges to keep you on track, to encourage you to try something new, or to just have fun & stay connected this summer!
All challenges are open to anyone – no membership required. Keep scrolling for details, pricing (some are free!), and sign-up info on both virtual & in-person options.

Virtual Options.
Join us from wherever your summer adventures take you. With a wide range of challenges – from two weeks, to one month, to 100 days – we’ve got a little something for everyone. Check it out!

100 Days 100 Miles Summer Sizzler
You pick your miles – walk, run, bike – but it’s got to challenge you! Here’s how it works:
- Join our Facebook group – this is how you commit to the challenge, post your progress, and help motivate & encourage others.
- Pick your goal. What will your 100 miles look like? What will be a challenge to you? Examples:
- All 100 miles have to be running or running at a certain pace
- Or 100 miles of walking to encourage active recovery for yourself
- Or 100 miles of biking together as a family
- Or you go for 200 miles
- Pick your start date (anytime in June) and then count out your 100 days and get moving!
Cost: Free
Celebrate the Sun Yoga Challenge
Kick off this 30 day Yoga-inspired challenge on the Summer Solstice – 10 Sun Salutations a day for 30 days to:
- Boost your energy
- Reset and center your mind
- Strengthen & tone your body
- Promote flexibility
- Release tension in your hamstrings, shoulders, and the chest
- and so many more good-for-you benefits!
You’ll get instructional videos for different sun salutation variations and tips for technique & alignment + regular accountability checks & support.
Date: starts June 21st
Cost: $10 – put a little $$ behind it and you’re more likely to do it 😉
Sign-up here: Celebrate the Sun

Just Run Training Program
Need to get back into running? Want to START running? Here’s what we like about running (and the occasional walk breaks):
- You can do it anywhere! All you need is a good pair of shoes and you can get in a workout.
- It’s so empowering to set a goal and hit it, whether it’s 2 miles or 10 miles.
- Running can be fun, social, and therapeutic. There’s something about hitting the pavement or trail with friends that feeds the soul.
Whether you are getting back to it or getting started, it’s simple you just need to run.
Just Run is an 8-10 week virtual training program where you pick the distance you want to train for! Program includes a training program (5K, 10K, or half) + strength & mobility workouts, and weekly accountability. Plus you have the option to add a running assessment.
It’s having a training plan + the accountability to get it done!
Date: Program starts July 12th. Prep for either the Bismarck Marathon events (9/18), Fargo Marathon events (9/25) or your own race.
Cost: $60 w/ option to add a running assessment for $50 (savings of $25!)
Sing-up here: Just Run
Core Blast Challenge
14 days of daily core exercises sent to your inbox! Strengthen abs, glutes, and posture muscles in 15 – 20 minutes a day. We’ll send the email, you do the work & track it (we’ll give you a way to do that), and we’ll check-in to make sure you’re getting it done.
Dates: August 1st – 14th
Cost: $5 – put a little $$ behind it and you’re more likely to do it 😉
Sign-up here: Core Challenge

Playground Bingo
A family-friendly playground-based exercise challenge for kids & adults. Post a pic to social media or email us your completed bingo card and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win Goodr sunglasses for the whole family 🙂
Date: August – stay tuned for specifics
Sign-up through the link & we will send your Bingo card in August or stay tuned to download a Bingo card.
Cost: Free
In-Person Options.
There’s nothing quite like the motivation and camaraderie of a group. Here are three in-person options available this summer!

P50 Running Club
A casual run club focused on the social side of running! It’s not about how far or fast you run, it’s about showing up, meeting new people and running (or jogging!) together.
Date/Time: Tuesday’s @ 4:30pm starting June 1
Where: Meet at Proximal50 @ Divide to run approx 3 miles around the Tom O’Leary Loop
Cost: Free
Fitness Challenge: Back to the Basics Bootcamp
A two week small group training class specifically designed for those starting or getting back into exercise. Includes cardio, strength and flexibility training.
Dates/Time: June 15, 16, 17 and 22, 23, 24 @ 12:30pm – 1:15pm
Location: P50 Downtown
Cost: $90
To Sign-up: Back to Basics Bootcamp

Fitness Challenge: Level Up
Two week small group training class to “level-up” your fitness! You’ll learn how to challenge yourself – to continue to see progress – from wherever you are in your fitness journey.
Date/Time: July 13, 14, 15 and 20, 21, 22 @ 12:30pm – 1:15pm
Location: P50 Downtown
To sign-up: Level Up Bootcamp